Some blog posts were automatically translated from Japanese
Hello, my name is Masada, and I am an advisor. It has passed through warm weather and is now getting a little hotter! Today, I would like to introduce a necklace that is perfect for the coming season! Since it is made of amber, it is light and fresh in color, so it is not too hot to wear jewelry [...].
This is Fujimori, ADAM Representative. The past few days have suddenly been hot like summer, yet the humidity was still relatively low and the heat was nice and dry. Speaking of dry summers, in southern Italy, in June, a freshly washed bath towel dries in about an hour [...].
Hello, my name is Okubo. We are pleased to announce that Adan will be featured in a jewelry style book! My Style Book "Reward Jewelry" for women who work hard every day, published by Gap Japan (released on May 12, 2013 [...])
今日は雨がしとしと・・・ このまま梅雨になりそうな予感すらしている、デザイナーの伊東です。 主に事務所でデザイン画を描いたり、広報関連のデザインなどをしています。 ただいまブライダルカタログを製作中なのですが 今日はそち […]
ADAMアダン オーダーメイドギャラリー OrderNo. 130120-04M OrderDATA: K様(東京都) Pt1000,K18YG 担当:吉田 こんにちは、アドバイザーの吉田です。 ようやく落ち着き五月晴れ […]
Hola!! こんにちはクラフトマンの伊藤改め佐藤です 結婚してもあまり名前が変わりません・・・ と、私事で恐縮ですが、お休みを頂きまして新婚旅行に行ってきました♪ 場所は以前から行きたかったスペインへ! 憧れのサグラダ […]
Advisor Yokoi. Adan's first exhibition outside the Adan store was held. The entire Adan staff was worried about how it would turn out, but we had to try it out to see how it would turn out, so we started working on it and came up with a lot of ideas, one after another [...].
This is Kubota from Adan Staff♪ This year's Golden Week was a series of great days for going out ◎● And perhaps because of the skipping stone holidays, it really was a week of excitement in Tokyo! And because of the "skip-the-stone" holidays, it was a really lively week in Tokyo! [...].
デザイナーの伊東です。 今年のゴールデンウィーク、都内がどこも混んでいる印象です! 私は新宿と渋谷に用事があって行ったのですが、人が多くてなかなか進めませんでした。。 近場で過ごされる方が多いみたいですね~ さて、そんな […]
Hello, this is Okubo. We are pleased to inform you of a magazine article. Brand Jewelry Special Bridal Jewelry 2013 ADAM original engagement ring is featured. Quite a lot of new jewelries are published [...].
ADAMアダン オーダーメイドギャラリー OrderNo. 121027-01-03M OrderDATA: K様(東京都) Pt900 Dia 担当:正田 こんにちは、アドバイザーの正田です。 暖かったり寒かったり突風 […]
ADAM代表の藤森です。 ご結婚から18年目に、お持ちの結婚指輪をリメイクして奥様にプレゼントするというご注文をいただきました。 なぜ結婚指輪をリメイクを?!と不思議に思われる方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、 最初のご […]
Hello, this is Masada from Adan. The cherry blossoms have fallen, but spring is fun with all kinds of flowers blooming! Well, all the staffs have been preparing for the spring jewelry exhibition and sale "petit adam petit adan [...]" with all their might.
I am Ito, a designer. Sangenjaya is famous for the Carrot Tower, which is a space for exhibitions, workshops and hands-on programs called "Seikatsu Kobo! In the tower, there is a space called "Seikatsu Kobo" that holds exhibitions, workshops, and hands-on programs. The cover of their event guide [...]...
Hello, my name is Masada, and I am an advisor. The weather is getting warmer and I am very excited! The cherry blossoms in front of my house have started to bloom, and I am very excited. Well, today, we are finally approaching the final stage of our spring exhibition, "petit ada [...]".
Hello, my name is Masada, Advisor. This is our first attempt in the 33rd year of ADAM's business! We will rent out a cafe in Sangenjaya and have an exhibition and sale of our new products! This time, we will be exhibiting our new products, handmade by artisans, and special sale [...].
ADAMアダン オーダーメイドギャラリー OrderNo. 120207-01-02 OrderDATA: H様(千葉県) K18WG 担当:正田 こんにちは、アドバイザーの正田です。 さて今回は女性はルビー、男性はブラ […]
Hello, this is Shoda, your advisor. Pollen is flying around, isn't it? I try to ride my bicycle every day with my eyes thin so that I don't get pollen on my skin as much as possible. If you have any other good pollen control tips, please let me know. But the tension is nodding up!!! [...].