Some blog posts were automatically translated from Japanese
This is Sato, a craftsman. The other day, a friend of mine gave me a candy and I was impressed by its taste! And I was told that the candy was sold at a honey specialty store in Sancha, so I went to the honey specialty store [Hanamegumi].
This is Kubota from Adan Staff....... The new engagement ring that I have been telling you about the process of development is now ready... [part1] The plate of the stone seat and the arm part is still lying around. It is still a mark of "material" [...].
Hello, my name is Masada, and I am an advisor. The sun is shining surprisingly brightly, isn't it? But summer is so exciting with the ocean, swimming pools, and fireworks shows* Please be careful not to suffer from heat stroke. Now, this time, I would like to talk about jewelry making [...].
This is Fujimori, ADAM Representative. Singapore International Jewelry Expo 2013 was held at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore on July 4~7, 2013. [...].
今日は、まだまだ蒸し暑い日が続いています。 ジーッとしていれば冷房の効いた中で何とか蒸し暑さも我慢もできますがやはり仕事をする為にはどうしても冷房が効いて入る所にだけとはいかないですよねと 梅雨明けももうすぐだとは思いま […]
こんにちはクラフトマンの佐藤です。 7月に入りましたね。7月といったらもう夏ですよね? 夏といえば《キャンプ》の我々夫婦は、この時季になるとソワソワします。 そして先日、埼玉県の毛呂山という所でキャンプしてきました♪♪ […]
ADAM Adan Custom-made Gallery OrderNo.130428-01 OrderDATA: Mr. KO (Tokyo) Pt900 for man Pt900 for woman Pt900 Contact: Mr. Yoshida Hello, It is the last month of this year in no time [...].
アダンスタッフ久保田です♪ あっという間に7月ですね、1年の半分が過ぎてしまいました… 時が過ぎるのは本当に早いですね! ところで、1年は分に直すと「525,600分」だそうです。 この数字にピンと来た方はミュージカル& […]
Hello, my name is Masada, and I am a member of the Adan staff. The weather has finally cleared up and the laundry is dry, which is great. I was wandering around gracefully like a Yu Yu stroll, looking for a new place to eat, when I came across a great lunch [...]...
This is Fujimori, the representative of ADAM. ADAM will exhibit at the Jewelry Fair in Singapore for four days from July 4 to 7, continuing from last year! The venue will be the trade fair attached to the famous hotel "Marina Bay Sands" where there is no end of topics such as swimming pools and casinos [...].
うっとうしい雨が続きます。 アダンスタッフの横井です。 しとしと降る雨は絵的にはやさしいですが実際降られてしまうと服の中まで湿ってきて 気持ちの悪い状態になってきます。 よっぽど予定がないときお休みの日はもっぱら家に閉じ […]
こんにちは。クラフトマンの佐藤です。 最近アダンにスタッフ用のバッグを用意しました。 無地のカバンなので何か目印が欲しいな~という話になり 手芸の得意な吉田さんにお願いして、ビーズを縫いつけていただきました♪ アダンには […]
This is Kubota from Adan Staff♪ It's the rainy season. The rainy season is the worst season of the year! I think there are many people who are sick of it. I used to hate it too, but in the past few years I've gotten over that a little bit.
Hello, my name is Masada, and I am a member of the Adan staff. It has been a long time since we had a clear and sunny day! I wish we could have summer-like weather soon. Now, let's take a look at some refreshing bi-color tourmalines to refresh our spirits. The color of the [...]...
This is Mr. Fujimori, Representative Director. On a personal note, today was my 37th birthday. Speaking of birthdays, the zodiac sign is determined by the day one is born. Astrology has always been popular in Japan, but in Europe, more than blood type, a person's character and tendencies are determined by his/her zodiac sign, [...].
♣ こんにちはスタッフの吉田です ♣ やっぱり梅雨はうっとうしいですね。 こんな時期におすすめ致しま~す。 今、江戸東京博物館にてファインバーグ・コレクション展 「江戸絵画の奇跡」が 開催しています。 「米国メリーランド […]
1週間が経ちました。 アダンスタッフの横井です。 今回の道端で咲いているドクダミの草花をみつけました。 あちらこちら、梅雨の季節になる少し前から咲き始めます。 家の僅かな庭の隙間を見つけて咲きます。 ドクダミというとにお […]
Last weekend was Father's Day. I sent natto of various flavors and beans... Hello, I am Sato, a craftsman who hates natto! I went to a hamburger shop I found when I went to buy the natto. I'm sorry for the hamburger again. & [...].