Some blog posts were automatically translated from Japanese
This is Fujimori, ADAM representative. We are pleased to announce that our exhibition at Singapore Jewel Fest 2013, held in Singapore on Oct. 11-15, 2013, has ended successfully! http://www.singaporejewelfest [...]
Hello, this is Yoshida of our staff. Today we would like to introduce a bright red necklace that looks like a delicious candy. This long necklace is 66 cm long, so you don't have to remove the clasp. Wear it with a sweater. Ruby an [...].
Today I'd like to introduce some of the tools we use in our daily lives.
ADAM Adan Order Made Gallery OrderNo.130511-01 OrderDATA: Mr. H Saitama, Japan For men Pt900 3.0mm shuttle base For women Pt900 2.2mm shuttle base Melee die [...].
Hello, this is Masada from Adan Staff. This time we would like to introduce a mature gray and brown diamond ring that is perfect for this season** The classic rose-cut diamonds are held in place with grains of gold, so I would like to match it with chic clothes. Left [...].
Hello, I'm Masada, an Adan staff member who went to a nail salon for the first time to enhance her feminine power. I've been feeling more graceful since I've been able to focus on my fingertips... just kidding.... Today, I'd like to introduce you to a new item that will make you happy when you wear it.
This is Fujimori, ADAM representative. We will be exhibiting at the Sigapore Jewel Fest 2013, a jewelry show to be held in Singapore this week, October 11-15, 2013. http://www.singapor [...]
Just when you thought it had cooled off, the heat has returned (x_x). You have to take care of your health condition. I am Sato, a craftsman who has been told that my body has become stronger than before. Everyone at Adan is really healthy! Kitti [...].
This is ADAM staff Kubota... The other day, I cooked rice with chestnuts for the first time this year (^ ^ ^) Although I was nervous about peeling the skin, I couldn't resist the charm of freshly cooked rice. I tried roasting the leftover chestnuts and they were absolutely delicious! I put them on the grill [...].
Hello, my name is Yoshida. Today, I would like to introduce a pendant head with initials and birthstone. How about a gift for a family member? The size of the photo is about 16mm x 12mm. K18WG Birthstone Turquoise Plate Pen [...].
Hello, my name is Masada, and I am a member of the Adan staff. Lately, I've been coming to work smelling the fragrance of Kinmokusai. It's a soothing aroma, isn't it? AD [...]...
It's starting to look more and more like fall. Today, it is drizzling cold and there is a cold wind. This is Yokoi, an Adan staff member. Following last week, I would like to introduce a tourmaline necklace. The necklace can be worn either horizontally or vertically, using three Toro~Little Marlin stones.
It was raining in the morning due to the typhoon, but in the afternoon, the rain stopped and I went out on the balcony of my atelier and saw a rainbow. It is nice to see rainbows on Facebook and other sites when they appear [...].
This is Kubota from Adan Staff♪ We have just completed a new poster within the Setagaya Line using photos taken at our atelier the other day! In past years, we have mainly used photos of jewelry, but this time we decided to go all out and use photos of craftspeople at work! The stone-setter, Mr. Kigawa, [...]...
This is Fujimori, ADAM Representative. On September 19, I recently went to Momo Junior High School in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, to teach a career seminar. This is the first year that I have participated in this event organized by Project Yui, a consortium that supports the learning and activities of children in Tohoku [...].
Summer has passed and we are now in the pleasant autumn season. The morning and evening temperatures are about the same as cold. Are you feeling tired from the summer? Today, I'm Yokoi, an Adan staff member. I'm about to become neurotic because of all the junk mail [...].
Hello, this is Sato, a craftsman. It has completely turned into autumn, hasn't it? I've been getting sick because of the change of season. Are you all doing okay? I saw something like this on sale near Adan, so I bought it without a second thought. & [...]...
I'm Kubota, a member of Adan's staff. Today I'd like to introduce an engagement ring of my original design.