Some blog posts were automatically translated from Japanese

Disney Art Exhibition "The Magic of Breathing Life into Art

Hello, this is Gondo. Today, the typhoon has passed and it is a beautiful sunny day! I went to the Disney Art Exhibition at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) yesterday. It was the first time for me to visit this exhibition, which mainly exhibits original drawings.


Book Report] - Before the Ice Cream Melts - Halloween Commentary by Ozaken

This is Kubota from Adan Staff... The summer heat has eased up... and the Halloween atmosphere is almost upon us. Every year I am amazed at how fast the year goes by when summer ends. What can I say, pumpkin candy is delicious, and dressing up in costumes [...].


Custom-made gallery] Wedding rings with a dignified appearance

Order No.170601-01 OrderDATA: Mr. K Man: K18 white gold 1.7mm brown diamond x 1pc Processing fee reference ¥49,000+tax Woman: K18 champagne gold 1.3mm white [...]


Travelogue of Australia] 4. Petit trip from Sydney - I visited Ayers Rock, the most beautiful view in the world.

Hello, this is Nakai, an Adan staff member. Continuing from the last issue, today is the fourth part of my Australia travelogue. Today, I went to Ayers Rock, the most beautiful view in the world, from Sydney. So, I stayed 2 nights and 3 [...]...


[Exhibition Information] Exhibition "Yonagatuki" is now being held in Kanazawa!

Hello, my name is Masada and I am an Adan staff member. As we introduced in our last blog, Masada's three-person exhibition "Yonagatuki" is now being held in Kanazawa! Previous blog This is the Asano side of the Higashi Chaya district. It is a very nice view and the evening [...].


Guido Gobino, the best chocolate shop in Turin.

This is Kubota from Adan Staff. ♪ Everyone loves chocolate, especially European chocolate, isn't it delicious? Today, we would like to introduce a chocolate shop in Turin, Via Lagrange, in the center of Turin, where there are many boutiques and shops.


Custom-made gallery] Gorgeous remake obi-dome using stones from your jewelry.

No.170119-01 M.N. (Chiba, Japan) K18 Obidome Hello, my name is Masada and I am Adan's staff. Today, I would like to introduce an obidome that was made by removing stones from a ring and earrings that you have and using all of them. You can wear it [...].


Atelier production site] A diamond ring is being remodeled, part 2.

This is Kubota from Adan Staff. ♪ The weather has suddenly turned autumnal, hasn't it? It's autumn, the season of appetite and the season of art, so we have resumed the renovation of a diamond ring that had been in progress at a leisurely pace (^^).


Custom-made gallery] Fishing hook earrings using your brought-in loose stones.

Hello, this is Nakai from Adan Staff. Today is a beautiful sunny autumn day, a complete change from the rainy weather of the past few days. The UV rays seem to be very strong, so please be careful when you go out. Today, we received an order from a customer in Singapore.


Custom-made Gallery] Remaking an engagement ring inherited from your mother-in-law into a clean design.

No.170603-01 Ms. K.E. (Tokyo, Japan) Pt900 diamond Hello, this is Nakai from Adan Staff. Today, we would like to introduce a remake of an engagement ring that was arranged from a part of the husband's mother's engagement ring. The thin [...]...


☆Notice of September holidays ☆Normal business (closed on Wednesdays)

Hello, this is Gondo. I remember this summer was full of rain, and it is already September. I was going to go swimming this weekend, but it looks like a typhoon is coming... I am wondering how I can enjoy the summer to the fullest. We are usually open [...].


Museum Report] I went to "Flowers of Dyeing and Weaving in India" at Shoto Museum of Art.

Hello, my name is Nakai, and I am a member of the Adan staff. As I am nodding off in the heat every day, I am thinking about how I can spend my days off in a cooler place. So the other day I visited the Shoto Museum of Art in Shibuya for the first time. I saw the exhibition "Flowers of Dyeing and Weaving in India," and I would like to share with you the [...]...


Overseas Purchasing] I went to the Tucson Gem Show in Tucson, Arizona.

This is Kubota from Adan Staff... It's been a while, but I went to the world's largest Gem Show in Tucson, U.S. I had never heard of it until I started working at ....... I had never heard of it until I started this job.


[Exhibition Information] Three-person show will be held in Kanazawa!

Hello, this is Masada of Adan Staff. I am glad that the summer-like weather has finally arrived. I, Masada, am usually involved in customer service and design as an Adan staff member, but I am also involved in making my own works of art. I am also a senior craftsman and [...]...


I went to Sangenjaya Burger Club.

Hello, my name is Nakai, and I am an Adan staff member. I'm getting sick and tired of the surprisingly hot weather we are having every day... How is everyone doing? The other day at lunch time, the heat was too much for me to bear waiting at the traffic light, so I went to the back side of Adan to [...]...


Custom-made gallery] Marriage with an antique look - Rough-hewn "fatsche" arrangement

Order No.170704-01 OrderDATA: Mr. Y Male:K18 white gold 3.0mm Reference price ¥99,000+tax Female:K18 yellow gold 2.7mm white diamond × 1pc Reference price [...]...


Travels in Australia] 3. I visited Berry Island Reserve in Sydney, a walking paradise.

Hello, this is Nakai from Adan Staff. Continuing from the last issue, today I would like to share with you the third part of my travelogue of Australia, a walking paradise in Sydney, the Berry Island Reserve, which is within walking distance from where I stayed.


Custom-made gallery] Arranged wedding rings from the popular SetegayaRing collection.

Order No.170629-01 OrderDATA: Mrs. H Woman: K18CG SetagayaRing Nikotama base 1/200ct x 3pcs Reference for processing cost ¥44,000+tax Contact: Gondo &nbs [...]...