Half eternity wedding band and engagement ring set

The engagement ring and wedding band set that we recently delivered to you was designed to be a good reference for a full custom-made ring. Both the engagement ring and the wedding band have concave for [...].


Wedding rings with birthstone

Since we specialize in custom-made wedding rings, we often add diamonds and colored stones to our wedding rings, and about half of the women's rings have one to three loose pieces on the surface of the ring [...].


Started self-made wedding rings!

At ADAM Adan, we specialize in custom-made jewelry, so we take the time to listen to your wishes, work with you to design an original wedding ring just for you and your partner, and make each piece by hand in our workshop [...]...


Rare pink diamond loose - the story of pink diamonds

The pink diamond is the most representative of colored diamonds, and is also popular as an engagement ring diamond, and we often offer it, but compared to treatment diamonds, which are artificially colored, natural colored pink diamonds [...].


Engagement and wedding set rings made to order

Even after the first day of spring blew, there were still days of strong winds and cold weather, but now that March has arrived, the smell of spring finally seems to be stronger. In March, the number of wedding schedules around me increases and I realize that the spring bridal season has begun. This or [...]...


Champagne gold wedding band

The popularity of gold jewelry has been on the rise over the past few years, and since last year, not only yellow and white gold but also pink gold has become extremely popular for wedding and engagement rings. Pink gold is a color that is more suited to the Japanese skin [...].