This is Kubota from the Adan staff♪ The weather has finally started to feel like the rainy season. Today, I would like to talk about Sicily, Italy, where I visited while I was studying abroad in Italy.
Greetings, my name is Pan Fujimori, founder of ADAM. I will be 73 years old this year, and this is my first time writing a blog. Today, I would like to introduce a new sculpture of myself that I created this year. "Start" Produced by Pan Fujimori Times have changed. [...].
Ito, the designer, is disappointed that the rainy season has finally arrived... I am now looking forward to the early summer... Well, during my recent vacation, I visited a solo exhibition of Kanako Nagai, a metalwork artist and friend of mine from school days. The tower is quite tall [...]...
My name is Yokoi, and I am an advisor. This time, I went outside to the Nogawa River in Musashi-Koganei, where there is a lot of greenery, and did some sketching as well as sketching. Usually, I sketch portraits in my room on Sundays, but the weather was so nice that I went out and sketched while soaking up the sun. The Nogawa River is a thin and gentle [...].
Hello, this is Sato of Craftsman. Do you like coffee? It is good to drink it at coffee shops and cafes, but wouldn't it be nice if you could make a cup of delicious coffee by yourself? I recently attended a coffee workshop at Carrot Tower's Seikatsu Kobo [...].
アダンスタッフ久保田です♪ 先日、知人の結婚式のため京都に行ってきました! 神社での挙式だったのでゲストも和装率が高く、私も久しぶりに和服を着ました(^ ^) く、くるしい…いつもの半分くらいの量でお腹いっぱいになるんで […]
Hola!! こんにちはクラフトマンの伊藤改め佐藤です 結婚してもあまり名前が変わりません・・・ と、私事で恐縮ですが、お休みを頂きまして新婚旅行に行ってきました♪ 場所は以前から行きたかったスペインへ! 憧れのサグラダ […]
デザイナーの伊東です。 最近、めっきり映画館に行ってまで映画を見なくなりましたが たまたま友人に「なにか面白そうな映画ない?」と聞いたところ この作品を教えてもらいました。 ちょうど封切られたばかりだったので、早速いって […]