Hello. This is Ohashi, the site manager. It's autumn now, and it's a comfortable season to live in.
Hello. My name is Ohashi, and I am in charge of the website. Today, I would like to introduce a very nice crown-shaped engagement ring that was made to order. The design of the ring was simple and elegant, with a diamond encased in a crown-shaped stone.
Hello. My name is Ohashi, and I am in charge of the website. Today, I would like to share with you an engagement ring that I made for a customer using her birthstone. The customer's birthstone was a sapphire, but she wanted to use a star sapphire, which is an unusual request [...].
Hello. My name is Ohashi, and I am in charge of the website. I'd like to introduce a beautiful engagement ring and wedding ring that were made to order with a lot of attention to detail. This is a Himawa [...].
We would like to introduce a fully custom-made engagement ring with a slightly different diamond setting. Platinum Pt900 Diamond Engagement Ring with Center Stone [...]
フルオーダーメイドで、ピンクゴールドのエンゲージリング(婚約指輪)をお作りしたので、ご紹介させていた頂きます。 当店のオリジナルデザインのエンゲージリング のデザインを元にアレンジをしてお作りしたリングです。 ピンクゴー […]
フルオーダーメイドで素敵なエンゲージリング(婚約指輪)をおつくりしたのでご紹介させて頂きます。 ご希望頂いたデザインのモチーフは、「太陽」です。 太陽から放たれる光、コロナをナチュラルカラーのイエローダイヤとイエローゴー […]
フルオーダーエンゲージリング(婚約指輪)にて、素敵なモチーフのリングをお作りしたのでご紹介させて頂きます。 Pt900 ダイヤモンド ピンクメレダイヤ エンゲージリング こちらのリング、当店のオリジナルの定番デザイン で […]
お二人のイニシャルをモチーフにデザインをして、フルオーダーにてエンゲージリングをおつくりしたので、ご紹介いたします。 Pt900 ダイヤモンド 0.203ct エンゲージリング リングの内側や表面にお二人のイニシャルをお […]
エンゲージリング(婚約指輪)としても、マリッジリング(結婚指輪)としても人気のハーフエタニティータイプのダイヤモンドリングですが、アダンのオリジナルの新作デザインが出来上がりましたのでご紹介します。 K18YG ナチュラ […]
The self-made wedding ring service started in June, and after six months since the service started, couples who have used the service have said that being able to make their own wedding rings, which they will wear for the rest of their lives, is a very nice keepsake.
The engagement ring and wedding band set that we recently delivered to you was designed to be a good reference for a full custom-made ring. Both the engagement ring and the wedding band have concave for [...].
The pink diamond is the most representative of colored diamonds, and is also popular as an engagement ring diamond, and we often offer it, but compared to treatment diamonds, which are artificially colored, natural colored pink diamonds [...].
Even after the first day of spring blew, there were still days of strong winds and cold weather, but now that March has arrived, the smell of spring finally seems to be stronger. In March, the number of wedding schedules around me increases and I realize that the spring bridal season has begun. This or [...]...
We created a slightly unique full-custom engagement ring with colored stones for the side stones. Engagement rings are usually made with diamonds only, but of course a platinum diamond ring is more like an engagement ring [...].
The other day, Tanabata, we managed to look up at the starry sky in the midst of the long-lasting rainy season. We made a full-custom engagement ring for a surprise proposal on the very same Tanabata [...].