こんにちは、クラフトマンの佐藤です。 以前おしらせしたプチアダンの新着情報をお伝えします。 前回のブログ→https://adam.co.jp/?p=5688 3月に開催するプチアダンに向けて、着々と準備が […]
This is Fujimori, ADAM representative. I have been reporting on the Singapore exhibition over the past three weeks, but this time, I would like to take an extra look at the exhibition. During my business trip to Singapore, the exhibition was held until 10 p.m. every day, and I often had to eat dinner late at night.
急に寒くなってまいりましたね。 暑さよりは寒さに強いと思っていますが、年々寒さにも弱くなっている気がする クラフトマンの佐藤です。やはり暖かい位が丁度良いですよね~* さて今回ご紹介するのはアダンのデザイン […]
アダンスタッフ久保田です♪ 今日もちょっとおもしろい工具をご紹介します! 手裏剣か、はたまた、ちくわぶか… こんな形をしたこちらの工具は「リーマー」といいます◎ 手裏剣のような刃で何かを削る道具なのですが、はたして何を削 […]
アダンスタッフ久保田です♪ 工具紹介シリーズ、今回はこちらです(^^)/ 穴がたくさん空いていてペラっとしているこの道具、「字消し板」といいます。 デザイン画を描く際に細か~い所を消したい場合に使います。 色々な形の穴が […]
Hi, I'm Masada, an Adan staff member. And, here is a rainbow: !!!! Can you see it? I went to Nagano the other day, but there was a typhoon the day before, and on the way back to Tokyo the next day, I saw a rainbow! I quickly chanted my wish three times. [...].
アダンスタッフ久保田です♪ 今日は普段私たちが使っている工具をご紹介します◎ 工具はもちろん用途に合わせた最低限の構造になっている訳ですが、 パッと見ただけでは使い道の分からないものもあったりして 新しい工具を見るとつい […]
こんにちは、 初めてネイルサロンに行って女子力を高めてきたアダンスタッフの正田です。 指先まで神経がいくので、身のこなしが優美になった気がします… なんちゃって。。。 さてさて今日は、身につけるとハッピーに […]
Just when you thought it had cooled off, the heat has returned (x_x). You have to take care of your health condition. I am Sato, a craftsman who has been told that my body has become stronger than before. Everyone at Adan is really healthy! Kitti [...].
Hello, my name is Masada, and I am a member of the Adan staff. Lately, I've been coming to work smelling the fragrance of Kinmokusai. It's a soothing aroma, isn't it? AD [...]...
It's starting to look more and more like fall. Today, it is drizzling cold and there is a cold wind. This is Yokoi, an Adan staff member. Following last week, I would like to introduce a tourmaline necklace. The necklace can be worn either horizontally or vertically, using three Toro~Little Marlin stones.
It was raining in the morning due to the typhoon, but in the afternoon, the rain stopped and I went out on the balcony of my atelier and saw a rainbow. It is nice to see rainbows on Facebook and other sites when they appear [...].
This is Kubota from Adan Staff♪ We have just completed a new poster within the Setagaya Line using photos taken at our atelier the other day! In past years, we have mainly used photos of jewelry, but this time we decided to go all out and use photos of craftspeople at work! The stone-setter, Mr. Kigawa, [...]...
Hello, this is Sato, a craftsman. It has completely turned into autumn, hasn't it? I've been getting sick because of the change of season. Are you all doing okay? I saw something like this on sale near Adan, so I bought it without a second thought. & [...]...
Hello, my name is Masada, an Adan staff member. We have been fussing about the hot, hot summer, but when the weather turns chilly, we start to feel lonely... However, it's autumn, the season of appetite! Chestnut rice, autumn fish, matsutake mushrooms... It makes me hungry~ .......
This is Yokoi, an Adan staff member. The day after a devastating typhoon passed over Tokyo and Kanto, I headed to Shima Onsen in Gujima. It has long been said that after a typhoon or a family of typhoons passes over, it is so beautiful that nothing is left behind. It is said that after a family of typhoons passes away, it becomes so beautiful that nothing is left behind.
Hello, this is Craftsman Sato. Yesterday was the harvest moon of mid-autumn. I was riding my bicycle and when I looked up at the sky, I saw a beautiful moon.
This is Yokoi, an Adan staff member. The extremely hot summer has calmed down somewhat. In September, the Kanto region was hit by tornadoes, localized torrential rains, and other unimaginable sky changes. The clouds in the sky have taken on the color of autumn in the distance. Autumn is the season for delicious fruits. Oren [...].