We made a full custom wedding ring with a wide width in silver. Based on our select order wedding rings, we made a 7mm wide wedding ring for the man and a 5mm wide wedding ring for the woman with a volume of silver [...].
This is the third issue of "Loose Stones from Europe," featuring loose stones of the drusy type. Druzy is written in the alphabet as "drusy," or in katakana as "druzy" or "druzy," but the origin of the word is [...].
フルオーダーメイドで、ピンクゴールドのエンゲージリング(婚約指輪)をお作りしたので、ご紹介させていた頂きます。 当店のオリジナルデザインのエンゲージリング のデザインを元にアレンジをしてお作りしたリングです。 ピンクゴー […]
This is the second stage of the introduction of loose stones purchased in Europe! Turquoise, as the name suggests, is often thought of as a stone that can be found in Turkey, which is so called because it was once brought to Europe by Turkish traders, but when it comes to its global origin, it is a tor [...].
Here are some of the loose stones I purchased on this business trip to Europe. First, let's start with my favorite stone. It is a loose semi-precious stone with a heart-shaped double-sided cabochon! From the top: Smoky Quartz \28,000 (tax not included) Green Amethyst [...].
フルオーダーメイドで素敵なエンゲージリング(婚約指輪)をおつくりしたのでご紹介させて頂きます。 ご希望頂いたデザインのモチーフは、「太陽」です。 太陽から放たれる光、コロナをナチュラルカラーのイエローダイヤとイエローゴー […]
お二人とも建築事務所にお勤めのカップルの方から、素敵なモチーフのご希望を頂きフルオーダーメイドでマリッジリングをお作りしました! そのモチーフとは、なんとお二人がお仕事で使っていらっしゃる「定規」! 定規の目盛り部分をリ […]
フルオーダーエンゲージリング(婚約指輪)にて、素敵なモチーフのリングをお作りしたのでご紹介させて頂きます。 Pt900 ダイヤモンド ピンクメレダイヤ エンゲージリング こちらのリング、当店のオリジナルの定番デザイン で […]
フルオーダーメイドのマリッジリング(結婚指輪)で、シンプルなS字ウェーブのフォルムのリングをお作りしました。 S字タイプのマリッジリングは、ストレートタイプ、V字タイプと並び、シンプルなフォルムの定番ですが、すこし変わっ […]
お二人のイニシャルをモチーフにデザインをして、フルオーダーにてエンゲージリングをおつくりしたので、ご紹介いたします。 Pt900 ダイヤモンド 0.203ct エンゲージリング リングの内側や表面にお二人のイニシャルをお […]
フルオーダーメイドでお作りするマリッジリング(結婚指輪)は、既成のデザインを前提とせずに、二人のこだわりをどんどん織り込んでデザインを作り上げていくことができるのが大きな魅力です。 先日、お手本のようなフルオーダーのこだ […]
The self-made wedding ring service started in June, and after six months since the service started, couples who have used the service have said that being able to make their own wedding rings, which they will wear for the rest of their lives, is a very nice keepsake.
We would like to introduce a beautiful anniversary ring made to order. Her mother, who used to work as an editor, is retiring and she came to our store to get a ring to commemorate her retirement.
Wedding rings and other bridal rings in Japan are generally made of platinum, but Adan's custom-made wedding rings are made not only of platinum but also of K18 gold (yellow gold, white gold, pink gold, and [...]...
In the second part of my Bangkok business trip report, I would like to finally introduce the gemstones I acquired! Once again, we walked through hundreds of booths, set our sights on them, looked at each stone carefully enough to pierce a hole in it, and did a lot of purchasing in the limited time we had. First of all, the casi [...].
We have been offering self-made wedding rings since June, and we would like to introduce the process of our self-made wedding ring service with photos of Mr. and Mrs. Watanabe, who recently had their wedding rings made by our self-made service [...].
The engagement ring and wedding band set that we recently delivered to you was designed to be a good reference for a full custom-made ring. Both the engagement ring and the wedding band have concave for [...].
We made a beautiful pendant with a motif of each couple's initials to commemorate their first wedding anniversary. The customer lives in Saga Prefecture and it was difficult for her to visit our store due to her distance, so we communicated with her by e-mail and discussed her wishes [...]...