This is Fujimori, ADAM Representative. On September 19, I recently went to Momo Junior High School in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, to teach a career seminar. This is the first year that I have participated in this event organized by Project Yui, a consortium that supports the learning and activities of children in Tohoku [...].
Adan's efforts in the disaster-affected areas were introduced in the Ishinomaki Hinichi Shimbun [dated 1/25/2012]. We were interviewed by the newspaper when we delivered a wedding ring to a couple from a tarako shop in Ishinomaki, which we reported on in our blog the other day, and they were very nice [...].
My name is Fujimori, Representative Director. Since the earthquake disaster, I have always wanted to help through jewelry, and I am pleased to report that I have been given a precious opportunity to help the affected areas by "making jewelry", and thanks to your support, this has been successfully realized. [...].
This is Mr. Fujimori, Representative Director. Recently, on Wednesday, November 2, I went to Momoo Junior High School in Ishinomaki City as a lecturer for a career education seminar as part of a project supported by "Project Yui," which supports play and learning for children in the disaster area. This career education [...].
My name is Ito, and I am in charge of design. As a representative of our staff, I would like to report on the workshop held the other day. For more detailed information, please refer to the blog of our anniversary jewelry brand "mitubaci" written by our representative, Mr. Fujimori [...].