Hello, I am Nakai, an Adan staff member.
Just two months ago, I reported on air plants in my blog,
I would like to report on its growth.
Click here for past blogs →.
This one of two plants with buds.
Watering with a mist every day as explained to me when I purchased the product.
I left it in a well-ventilated place.
The buds are lovely.
The buds are gradually swelling and turning a lovely pink color.
My my my my...
whiz (e.g. projectile through air)
What's that?
I thought it would have pink flowers, but it is white. They are not healthy...
Singapore Business Trip
Nine days later...
And, well, it was a sight to behold (cries).
The cause: I gave them plenty of water before my trip,
I thought the trays were filled with water and that is where the root rot started.
Air plants seemed easy, but this variety seems to be surprisingly difficult.
No, it's because I'm a plant novice and I got carried away...
Rest assured that the other plant is in good health.
Still no sign of buds forming, just leaves,
We will report any unusual changes in growth.