Hello, I am Nakai, an Adan staff member.
Temperatures have been rising quickly over the past few days.
The temperature is currently 30 degrees Celsius...it feels like summer all over again.
Here is a "watermelon" brooch that is perfect for summer.
K18YG/K18WG Watermelon Tourmaline $228,000-(+Tax)
The base is as cool as a smooth flowing river.
The surfaces are all hand-carved and textured,
It sparkles discreetly.
The watermelon tourmaline in the center really looks like a watermelon...
It is cut to maximize the appeal of the stone.
How about a one-of-a-kind item with a bit of fun in the hot summer?
We also have a large selection of pendants and earrings made with watermelon tourmaline.
Please stop by Adan to cool off.