The catalog of "Setagaya Ring", a popular original collection loved by many Adan customers, is now available.
This catalog was made to the specification that each ring is shown on a single card.
The title is stamped in silver foil on a tracing paper envelope, allowing the photo of the card inside to show through.
On the back of the card, we wrote the origin of the ring's name and details of how the ring was processed.
I think the delicacy of the actual Setagaya Ring is very well expressed in the finished product.
I would love to have it in my hands!
When you see them in the store, please feel free to bring them to us.
If you are interested but don't have time to go to the store, please let us know and we will be happy to send it to you.
→directional marker or indicatorSetagaya Ring Card Oclet Caithene
We are waiting for you.
I hope you like it!