Custom-made rings for a birth gift to match a wedding band.

ADAM Adan Custom-made Gallery

Mr. K (Tokyo, Japan)
Pt900 flat 2mm width ice blue diamond 1/100
K18CG flat 2mm width Diamond 1/100

K18PG Flat 2mm width Diamond 1/100

Attn: Sato

You made it the other day,Anniversary RingsWe are pleased to introduce you to the following

This request was for a baby shower gift ring to match your wedding band.

The ring you have isquadrangleThe shape of the product was very special, but we took care of it and measured the width and thickness of each of them.

We made it to fit perfectly.

Since we have three children, we made three pieces of jewelry with different metals.

When stacked with your existing rings, it creates a beautiful gradation of colors.

The platinum ring is accented withice blue diamondWe have included a

When you look at them side by side like this, they look like a mother's ring and a child's ring because of their different widths.ˆ


◎Customer Comments ◎

In creating a design ring to fit a wedding band of a special shape,

The designer was very attentive to our plans and ideas.

I bought the ring as a birthday gift for my third child, but this time for all three of my children.

It turned out to be a great design, with rings that can be stacked, and the whole family loves it.

I would like to ask Mr. Sato to create another ring for me next time.


We are very happy to hear your kind words.

It's a beautiful ring that I wish I could make an anniversary ring like this.

We hope you all come visit us again!



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