Inlaid wood jewelry with ivory

Hello, my name is Sato, a craftsman.

Today we continue from the previous issue,by Mr. Aoki.wood jewelryWe are pleased to introduce you to the following

K18 Paolosa Ivory $116,800+tax

This time, we are here.ivoryindicates object of desire, like, hate, etc.inlayingThis pendant top is made with a technique called

Your introduction to Zogan came up in a previous blog.

(For previous blog, click here →)

The white flowers are made of ivory and the golden stems are made of powdered gold.


Matching earrings are also available, and they look cute worn as a set or on their own.'good work' (equiv. of silver star awarded to children at school)

K18 Paolosa ivory $67,200+tax

It is lightweight for its volume and does not bother me when I wear it.

The volume of the wood jewelry is unique.

It will be very useful in the coming season!ˆ

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