Warm material wood jewelry

It's a beautiful day to go out!'good work' (equiv. of silver star awarded to children at school)

Gubi on a day like this.colaI am Sato, a craftsman who would like to drink


This time, we used wood, a material used for violins and other instruments.wood jewelryWe are pleased to introduce you to the following

SV P.N Mabe Pearl Paolossa $126,400+tax


Very elegant and shiny.Mabé Baroque PearlThis necklace with thepaolosaIt is made of a tree called

Also known as African sandalwood, the main production areas are Congo, Mozambique, and Cote d'Ivoire.

The material is said to be hard, difficult to cut, and resistant to decay.

The pearls are surrounded by silver grains. I can't believe how well wood and pearls go together.

Amazing. This piece has a warmth that precious metals do not have.


I made this piece as a jewelry craftsman.40 yearsI started making violins as a hobby.25 years(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion

Veteran craftsman,Shigeji AokiThree.

GhibliShe is a very nice and picturesque person, just like in

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to meet him at the event I hosted in March.puchi adan (Opisthocomus hoazin)We were also invited to exhibit at the

The exhibition was so well received that it continues to be displayed in Adan's storefront.

There are still many wonderful works in the store, so please take a look at them for yourself.

We will introduce different works on our blog, so please look forward to it!(ˆ)

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