Half Eternity Arm Engagement Ring ○Recommended for remodeling.

This is Kubota from Adan Staff.

It's been a pleasant season, with a flurry of activity every day!'good work' (equiv. of silver star awarded to children at school)

good day (daytime greeting)April Birthstone, ,diamondI would like to introduce the rings of the

Diamond (center) 0.311ct
Melee diamond (side) 0.20ct

Speaking of diamonds, well,

Can you process engagement rings with diamonds I brought in?"

We receive inquiries about this.

Answer.Of course, it is possible!

Originally by,One-of-a-kind jewelryand ... andremake processhas excelled inpandanus fruitTherefore,

You are also welcome to bring your own stones for processing!star

Bring Your Own FeePlease be assured that we do not charge any fees for this service.

Also, in the case of diamonds, etc., that have been transferred,expert's written opinion or reportIf you would like to use the

We can also prepare a certificate of authenticity (for an additional fee). (A separate fee will be charged for this service.)


The design here ishalf eternityThe diamonds were clipped to the center of the arms of the

This engagement ring gives a gorgeous impression.

By keeping the shape clean and simple,

The design is designed to highlight the stones even more.

If it is a straight wedding band,

It can be layered together with anything.

Since the diamonds are not made to stick out that much.

The design is very comfortable to wear.


Please feel free to contact us with any questions or for a quote.


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