This is Kubota from Adan Staff.♪
Today we are using our usualtoolWe will introduce you to'good work' (equiv. of silver star awarded to children at school)
toolis, of course, the minimum structure for the intended use,
Some of them I couldn't figure out how to use just by taking a quick look.
newtoolI am always tempted to tinker with them when I see them.
Today I would like to introduce you toNo. 1 tool that makes you want to touch itThis is the one of the following! (*Adult staff's sole discretion)
This tool is about 5 cm barrel-shaped,design drawingIt is essential when writing such"Core grinding machine."It is called.
Like a mechanical pencil with a thick lead.Holder."I draw with a pen called
When the core tip is rounded, this研芯機The shaving is done with a
To draw a fine line, make it so sharp that it hurts to touch!
With the lower tube part,holderwith the top disk in place.rolling around in circlesThe "M" is the number of the "M" in the "M".
It looks so interesting that once you see it, you will definitely want to give it a try!Oh my god!!!
If I find another favorite tool, I will introduce it to you~!