Marron cut turquoise

This is ADAM staff Kubota.

The other day, for the first time this yearrice boiled with chestnutsI cooked a (^ ^ ^)

Peeling is grueling, but and flaky (e.g. potatoes, potatoes)It's hard to beat the allure of freshly cooked rice at

Excess chestnuts areroasted chestnutsand this was absolutely exquisite!Oh my god!!!

If you leave it on the grill.Boom."The result is a small explosion of "I'm so happy!

I can't say "Try it!" because I feel it's somewhat dangerous. I can't say "Try it!

Recently, this regular-sized, not sweet chestnutroasted chestnut shopYou also see the

ItalyThen, in this season of the year, we are on the streets.roasted chestnut shopis sometimes a bit of a tradition with the appearance of the

Common worldwide,autumnYou are a popular person in the~!


Well, well, well,ADAMBut we've harvested some of its favorites, and here they are.

マロンカット(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusionturquoise(^ ^ ^)

turquoiseare generally cabochon cut, so the faceted cut itself is

It is a rare one, but moreover, this one isマロンカットIt is.

in a fickle mannerIt is very cute!

I can't wait to see what kind of item it turns into!

of courseBespokeIt is also possible to process the item to your liking with the

Please feel free to contact us if you like.☆☆☆☆

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