From the Atelier - Lathe Machining

This is Kubota from Adan Staff.

It's been a hot day! Indeed.beerIt is the season for deliciousstar

summer festivalindicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.fireworksindicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, is full of fun & delicious events!Oh my god!!!

Now, todaystudioHere are some of the more↓↓↓

Not the beer barrels...but the beer barrels,Lathe" processingIt was a tool used for ~(^ ^;)

from the startlatheWhat is the "what"? I will show you the whole picture for those of you who are not familiar with it.↓↓



How it works.rolling around in circlesand spinning at high speedaxisAttach the object to be shaved to the

therebladeThe machine is designed to cut a uniform shape all the way around by applying a

If you want to make a ringaxisThe ring is attached to the tip of theDiamond BladeThe material is then scraped out with a

The tubes I mentioned earlier are the rings.axisSo it was sized by size to be installed in a

Let's take a closer look.↓↓

It's a little hard to see, but the blade out in the left corner in the foregroundBlades made of diamondsIt is.

It is indeed the hardest substance on earthdiamondIt is very sharp!

this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker)bladeThe shape of the(not) for anythingor so (often used in phrases like "it was...")hollowlyThe rings are shaved in a variety of ways.

millingIf you attach a blade formillingYou can also put a Crackle!

Adan's specialty.Forging processinseparable from theLathe."This was the introduction of the

Select Order Wedding Rings

(Left)Round (Right)Flat

Select order wedding rings are made with your choice of material, width, surface finish, etc,

Simple, but undeniably popular.☆★★

>Click here to learn more about select order wedding rings made with the forging technique.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.

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