Last weekend was Father's Day. I sent natto (fermented soybeans) of various flavors and beans.♪
Hi, I'm Sato, a craftsman who hates natto!
I went to a hamburger place I found when I went to buy those natto.
Another hamburger and another smear.
This is "Daddy's dining cafe", a dining cafe that is crazy about hamburgers.
The burgers were made with lots of organic vegetables and the set included an all-you-can-eat salad!
The burgers are also available in S and M sizes, and women may choose the S size.
I ate the medium size in short order.
The sesame seeds on the bun were savory and went well with the patty!'good work' (equiv. of silver star awarded to children at school)
It is a bit of a walk from Sancha, but why not take a walk?
Cheeseburger ¥1.030
Daddy's dining cafe
〒154-0001 3-21-29 Ikejiri, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo TOYA Building 102
Gurunavi is here↓↓↓