Hello, LOHAS store Adan(?) This is Staff Kubota.♪
Somehow, this week has been full of talk about plants.Adan BlogHowever,
Our goya is still not blooming... today.studioFlowers of the (^ ^ ^)
He is a little bit on the table in the office space.
Hmm? A vase made of the same material as the table...?
It is not a vase, but a table-integrated vase for a single flower!
It's so cute and warm~~!
March Exhibitionpuchi adan (Opisthocomus hoazin)used for display inAdan Treeand ...,
self-madeThe work was done by the person who made the work desk for the
I'll introduce you to that one too next time.
Today, Mr. Kigawa, a stonemason,New Engagement RingsI was making☆★★
The colon in the foreground is the stone seat, and the bar behind it is the ring!
Still very muchengagement ringI am far from being a "good-looking" person,artisanThe ring will be transformed into a shiny ring in the hands of the!
I'm looking forward to seeing it completed!♪
I would like to report on the growth process to see how it will turn out.