He has been coming to ADAM regularly since before ADAM moved to the new location.
Customers always have bright smiles on their faces.
She came with her wonderful husband, who is getting married.
A customer with a happy aura and a calm husband.
Here are the rings that the couple chose.

Wedding Ring Collection "tinge
Adan's original gold and ash gold with hand-worked matte finish.
I usually thought this collection was cool,
When the two of you put it on, it creates a strangely warm texture.
Engagement ring is "ridge."

The existing design was white diamonds, but we would like to introduce some diamonds as well,
You have chosen a fashionable loose in brown.
The claws that hold the diamonds are platinum, and the arms are yellow gold.
At first glance, you would think it would be gaudy, but it is very stylish.
When it comes to engagement rings, though, we often focus on the so-called 4Cs, such as clarity and color,
It is also unique to ADAM to have it made with your favorite diamonds.
ADAM offers a wide selection of the cutest (subjective) diamonds from Japan and abroad.

Please try to find your favorite diamonds.

May this ring be a natural and unpretentious talisman for your future life.
We later received a nice photo and message from the couple.
As a person who prefers to wear what I like rather than "brand",
I am happy to spend a very important moment with my favorite ring 💍✨.
I am glad I asked because I was able to make a convincing choice and also because I was able to consult with them in a friendly and helpful manner!
Thank you very much ♫

Thank you for choosing ADAM for this wonderful occasion.
We look forward to seeing you again.
ADAM has prepared many samples.
I don't know what to do for custom-made products! We are here to help you.