Custom-made gallery] Basketball motif engagement ring

ADAM Adan Custom-made Gallery
Order No. 111031-01E
Mr. I (Kanagawa, Japan)
K18WG Diamond
Attn: KUBOTA / Design: Noguchi


I am Kubota, an Adan staff member.

We recently had a very unique and beautiful engagement ring made for you.

Today I would like to introduce to you all.

This time, the design request was to create a design that the two of you would love.basketballEngagement ring with a motif ofOh my god!!!

I am ashamed to say that although I had done some preliminary study before my visit, I

I haven't even touched the word "basketball" since high school,

First, you will be asked to lecture the customer on the court and the mechanics of the basket ring....

I had never seen the world of basketball in such a structured way!

It is a matter of course, but the dimensions, etc. are exactly fixed, aren't they?

It felt somewhat similar to the jewelry drafting I see all the time.

And here is the final design we came up with.

Huh? Isn't that a simple and orthodox engagement ring...?

I think it is a good idea.

Now please take a look at the pictures from the side.

The basket rings are well hidden!

The design features a basket ring at the base of the stone and diamonds as balls.

The arms of the ring are also slightly curved to express the speed of basketball.

Although it is a little difficult to see in the photo, the net portion is also matted by a few tenths of a millimeter.

It is a task that makes craftsmen weep, but it was worth it, and the customer loved it.

In fact, this time, the customer took time out of his busy schedule to give it to us as a surprise.

He would find time to come to us for consultation.

I was not sure of the size of the ring, so I had to borrow a ring gauge and have it secretly measured...

It will be a while after you receive the completed ring.

I wonder if you liked it..." "I wonder what size it was..." etc.

I was curious to hear about it, but later I received a very happy report.â

The fact that it is the only one in the world and that it is shaped like a basketball ring

They liked it very much."

I am glad! We are most happy to hear such words>.

Congratulations on this achievement!


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