Anniversary ring for mother

Lovely Anniversary Rings at Fully Custom MadeWe are pleased to introduce you to the following

His mother, who worked as an editor, was retiring, and he came to the store to get a ring as a commemorative gift for her,Design motif in the shape of a bookThe client asked us to design a ring with a sapphire birthstone in it.

Designer Kawaguchi came up with the idea for the design, and after another round of meetings, the ring was completed.

Place an open book on the ring,The page is laser engraved with the mother's birthstone, a blue sapphire, and an original logo in the shape of her initials.The following is a list of the most common problems with the
Silver was used for the base metal to create a gentle material and volume.

You can see it clearly from the side,The book motif is placed on the base form as if the page is about to open, expressing the three-dimensionality and movement of the book.The company is doing so.

She may be the happiest mother in the world if she surprises her daughter with such a beautiful and thoughtful anniversary ring.

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