Self-made engagement ring (engagement ring)

It started in June.Self-made wedding ring serviceHowever, six months after the service was launched, couples who have used the service have told us,Being able to make our own wedding rings that we will wear for the rest of our lives is a great keepsake!Thanks to the feedback we have received, the event has been very well received!

Then, the other day, a man told meI want to get her an engagement ring that I made myself, but is it possible to have it self-made?"We have received inquiries about this.

In the case of engagement rings, it is very difficult to make the stone seat that holds the diamond in place if the ring is self-made, so we decided to have a consultation with the customer, who came to our store by bullet train from Aichi Prefecture.

We often receive orders from people in the Kansai area, and even from as far away as Kyushu and Hokkaido via e-mail, but we are very grateful that they come to us from Nagoya, as self-made products require at least four visits to our store.

The design you want is from an artist that you both like.I want to make an engagement ring based on the bracelet that Kaela Kimura wears on the jacket of her CD.He said.
Instead of using a diamond as the center stone, the designers were able to create an "X" motif on the surface of the ring with small diamonds, so there was no need to create a diamond seat, which had been a concern for the designers.

Finally, it was the day of the self-made. I asked him if he had any experience in metal engraving,What a job! He was a fine professional craftsman.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

↑upWorking earnestly while looking at a photo of a jacket

When it came time to start, the hand that held the file was professional. The rings are very small compared to the furniture, but the craftsman who was in charge of the rings got used to them very quickly, and he hardly had to teach them how to make them.

↑upHis hand is as good as a pro's...

The self-made work was completed ahead of schedule.
The form was so perfect that it did not need to be altered by the craftsman at all.
The website is ・・・・, which is excellent.

↑upPose with the completed wax prototype

And a month after the self-made, the ring was finally completed!
Here is the finished ring!

For bullion,K18 champagne goldThe ring is made of gold and has an "X" motif with five 45-piece diamonds. This gold engagement ring is wide and voluminous. We think it is a beautifully designed ring that can be worn casually every day.

Inside the ring,,Engraving of the couple's names connected by an "Xto.

The entire staff cheered when it was done.
Above all,A ring that he designed and created himself.was a truly irreplaceable, one-of-a-kind engagement ring, wasn't it?
After handing it over, I was worried about whether it was a complete surprise and whether I had given it to him safely and whether the size was okay, but about 10 days later, I received this e-mail with a picture!

I was able to hand over the ring safely on December 5."
They were also surprised and happy that the size was perfect and that it was one-of-a-kind.
I was finally able to talk about what I had been working on in private.

I really appreciate all the people involved in this ring.
Thank you very much."

Here are the photos we received ↓.

The ring is shining on the ring finger of his left hand! Congratulations !!!!

Thank you so much for coming all the way from Aichi so many times!
We look forward to seeing you both next time.

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