Setgaya Ring was certified as a Setagaya souvenir again this year!

Adan's popular collection "Setagaya Ring" was recognized as a Setagaya Souvenir 2020.



Setagaya souvenirs are...

Products must be proudly associated with Setagaya, so that people can say, "I'm glad to live in Setagaya" and feel attached to Setagaya.

Manufactured or sold in the ward. If the product is also sold outside of the ward, the head office or main place of business must be located in the ward.


Based on these conditions, we were able to receive certification again this year as a product that is rooted in Setagaya.

The Setsgaya Ring collection introduces a new ring every year.

We can't wait to see what kind of rings will be born this year.


Setagaya souvenirs are also available at our stores, so if you haven't picked one up yet, please let us know! If you haven't picked one up yet, please let us know.

Setagaya Ring" is a collection named after the town of Setagaya, which has always been a familiar part of the company's life.

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