Design Room News] Antique cut diamonds and old mine cut rings are tailored.

I am Kubota, an Adan staff member.

It has been a short time since we thought that autumn was the season for the arts and sports. In no time at all, it has become so cold that scarves have made an appearance.

I am amazed at how quickly time flies.

While I'm on the subject of surprises, today I'd like to go back in time a few hundred years.

Nowadays, antique cut diamonds are rare.

Here it is, the Old Mine Cut, a diamond that recreates the cut method of the 17th century.

Diamond is the hardest gemstone on earth.

This cut was created at a time when the technology of today had not yet been born.

It has a warm form with a slight trace of rough diamonds.

This diamond is characterized by its plump table surface and gentle brilliance.

I bought this diamond in the spring of this year, and after many prototypes of making it into a ring, it finally took shape.

I am fidgeting with anticipation of the completion of the project.

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Thank you for visiting Adan. At Adan, we continue to create jewelry with the highest attention to quality and design in order to provide you with special jewelry. However, due to the recent rise in the cost of raw materials, we have decided to discontinue some of our products.

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