Museum Report] I visited "THE SILVER AGE" at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum.

Hello, I am Nakai, an Adan staff member.

I will skip the long preamble,
I had a business trip to Hong Kong last month and saw something very nice on my last day.



Back on December 23rd in Hong Kong

Suddenly, the words "white silver age" jumped out at me.



Apparently there is some kind of special exhibition at Silver.

And I was very lucky to happen to be there for two months, from December 19, 2017 to February 25, 2018.



The entrance looks like this.

It was a fascinating museum, large enough to learn about the history of Hong Kong, which prospered through trade.

I wanted to go to the special exhibition, but I wanted to see the permanent exhibition as well...and that was the last time I went around.

It had been about two hours.

In the special exhibition "THE SILVER AGE,

Hong Kong craftsmen are also featured,



It was a very interesting introduction to various technologies.



Not jewelry, though,

Here is my favorite of them all.



Seasoning containerup




Delicate trays and,



This pot has a nice handle with a bamboo motif that is typical of the Chinese-speaking world.



This accessory case must have been completed after an almost mind-boggling amount of meticulous work.

Etc. etc. etc,

I really enjoyed the many silver furnishings.


If you have a chance to visit Hong Kong, why not stop by?

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