Movie Report] I saw "The Man Who Invented Christmas".

Hello, I am Nakai, an Adan staff member.

Today is Christmas Eve!
Adan is open for business today.

In honor of Christmas, I would like to introduce a movie that I saw on a recent business trip to Singapore that is perfect for the holiday season.


I wandered over to the movie theater to see what they were doing now ~~~~.

The title that just jumped out at me was
It was "The Man Who Invented Christmas."

The opening time was just a few minutes away, so I didn't even watch the trailer,
Without even reading the synopsis, I quickly bought a ticket and jumped into the bleachers.

The setting is London, England.
This is the story of how Charles Dickens, the great English writer, created the famous "A Christmas Carol.


Dickens wrote the novel in just six agonizing weeks.

No way, it has been the world's favorite Christmas fable for more than 160 years.

No one could have imagined at the time that it would solidify the basic image of Christmas that we have today.


I would recommend that anyone who loves Christmas carols should see this......................,

Unfortunately, the film was not yet released in Japan.

If you are traveling overseas during the year-end and New Year's holidays, perhaps you can see it on the plane?


Check it out if you see it~~~!


What is your favorite Christmas movie?

It's hard to leave out "Home Alone," but ...

After all, tonight was the night of "Christmas carolI'm going to look at the "I'm going to look at the "I'm going to look at the

Merry Christmas!


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