Hello, my name is Gondo.
As the weather gets colder, I want to eat cream pasta even more!
So I visited there the other day.binwan 2nd Three.
I recently discovered this place when I was looking for lunch to explore Sakae Street.
As the name suggests, it is located on a prosperous street.
On holidays, many people walk around happily.
The restaurant's interior is calmly designed, and one person can feel at home.
This is what the Holiday Lunch looks like.
I was a little worried but ended up loving it.counter for the ichi-ni-san counting system (usu. directly preceding the item being counted)rule5th note in the tonic solfa representation of the diatonic scalenalong vowel mark (usually only used in katakana)laThe decision is made to
Since I was so excited, I decided on a salad set.
A heaping pile of salad.
It is really a heap! It must be about 20 cm high! It's about 20 cm high!
The dressing was homemade and very tasty.
Dressing was also available for purchase.
<カルボナーラ サラダセット ¥1290 >
It was an appetizing carbonara with garlic )^o^(
Carbonara is delicious after all. I thought, "Carbonara is delicious after all.
We hope you will visit us too!
binwan 2nd
Setagaya Wardtea house used as a resting place for pilgrims1-34-13 Sapporo Bldg. 1F
The food logs arethis way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)