Museum Report] I saw the "Photographer Saul Leiter Exhibition" at Bunkamura The Museum☆.

We are thankful every day for the deliciousness of summer vegetables.
My name is Masada and I am a member of the Adan staff.

The other day, I saw the "Photographer Saul Leiter Exhibition" currently being held at Bunkamura The Museum☆.
I was completely absorbed in the fascination of the American photographer Saul Leiter.


His work as a fashion photographer in the beginning was very cool.
I love magazines, and I was excited from start to finish.

I don't care if it's right or wrong, it's just cool!
I was glued to all those works.

He left commercial photography and published a book of photographs called "Early Color" after he disappeared.

The works that value that Color are also hauntingly beautiful.
I was gripped by the heart.
It is exactly what it sounds like.

It seems that he had aspirations to be a painter, and the exquisite use of color and composition convinced me of that.


Black-and-white photography was the mainstream at the time, and I can only imagine how people of that era must have been struck by it.

Each title is charming and makes me smile again.
I seem to have a habit of sniffing when I see something good,


Even ordinary moments must have been precious to him.
The exhibition made us realize such things.

"The photographer's gift to us is to present the occasional beauty that is overlooked in our daily lives."

My heart experienced enough without hearing these words.
Thank you very much.




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