Custom-made gallery] Sapphire and diamond ring to be handed down from generation to generation

Mr. T (Saitama Prefecture)

Pt900 Blue Sapphire 9X5mm Diamond 1/50 X8pcs

Today, we would like to introduce a fully customized ring made from a loose piece brought in by a customer.


He wanted it as a gift for his son's wife,
."No ring height"Something cute but long-lasting."simple"
We proposed a design from scratch based on his words, "I am very happy with the design.



Each petal is cut out of the base metal and stacked on top of each other, and each petal has a single diamond fixed to it.

The edge is milled for an antique look.

The center stone is securely fastened with eight claws.





The arms are firm, but simple.



I think we have created a beautiful ring that can be used for a long time.

I hope the bride will be pleased.

Thank you very much for your time.

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