Talk about a workshop that was very popular at Petit Aidan.

Hello, I am Nakai, an Adan staff member.

The past few days have been warmer,
icy cold ice creamThe season is already upon us when we will be craving for



Q. Now, what is this?


A. A silver ice cream spoon!



We were at the workshop in Adan on April 21 and 22.
The Fifth Psiadan♪♪

So either the silver pendant or the ice cream spoon.
A workshop was held for customers to engrave their own markings.



Children also thump with the full support of the craftsman.



Even adults are serious about thumping... ♪



♪ Thump, thump, thump with mama ♪


From a number of engravings such as alphabets, numbers, patterns, etc.

Workshop items made with thoughtful messages.


The finishing polish is done by a craftsman in the workshop to a shining shine.


It was so cute to see the freshly made spoons of ice cream being scooped into the mouths of the children.


This time,first attemptI incorporated the workshop in the
I think it was a very good exhibition that resulted in a closer relationship between craftsmen and customers.

Now, next year's 6th Psiadan ♪

What kind of exhibition will it be?

We will continue to plan the next event for the enjoyment of our guests!
Thank you all for coming.

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