Hello, my name is Masada, an Adan staff member.
I am disappointed that the recent heavy snow melted away before we had time to build the Kamakura!
Now, the eternal longingdiamondHowever,
simplydiamondThat said, there are a variety ofcutDid you know that there are
Often seen in,round brilliant cutHe said,
This cut is said to be the roundest and most brilliant.
Other shapes include heart shape, pear shape, oval cut, marquise shape, etc...
Among them, we would like to focus onTaper bucket diamondIt is.
Bucket ... bar shape
It looks like this ↓↓↓
It is often used in fashion rings and as a side stone surrounding a center stone.
In the past, it was used as a gorgeous ballerina type,
Now it is used for delicate rings, for example,Tapered diamonds return to popularityIt is.
I like this shape too, so it's fun to see.
In the store, you can see not only diamonds but also various cuts of various stones.