Custom-made gallery] Wedding rings and engagement rings with sparkling diamonds


wedding ring

Men: K18WG
Women: K18PG Diamond

engagement ring

K18PG Diamond

Mr. I.
Attn: Gondo


We made both engagement and wedding rings at Adan.

Women's rings are all pink gold.

The men's ring is made of white gold.


The engagement ring is a half eternity ring with a half circumference of diamonds.

We have made it in yellow gold before.this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)The design of the

Different colors of gold also change the atmosphere.

Adan offers a choice of platinum and five different colors of gold.


The diamonds on the side are clasped by a method called "carving clasp" so that they do not get caught.

It's a gorgeous, exciting and special ring!


The wedding ring is an original Adan design."Ruchika."

The elaborately cut surface of the ring shines in multiple layers.

The men's ring has a calm matte surface with a matching center cut that sparkles.


◎Customer Testimonials ◎

I like the design and color very much.


We are very happy that you like Adan's design.

May this ring be a ring that will accompany you for many years to come.

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