Hello, my name is Masada, an Adan staff member.
This time, I would like to introduce "Cafe Mame-Hico," which I have not been to in a long time.
Previous.Cafe Mame-Hico Blog
The atmosphere in the restaurant is calm and relaxing, and you can stay as long as you like.
The music was relaxing and I wanted to read, which I usually don't do.
Unfortunately, I didn't have the book, but..,
Today we had cafe au lait and pudding.
The pudding is rich and perfectly complements the sweet cream!
I am also very happy with the café au lait, which is plentiful in a nice café au lait bowl.
I had just run out of coffee at home, so I bought something called fall-roasted coffee beans.â
What a cute package!
I also read the booklet "M=Hico".
I'm looking forward to going home today and drinking coffee☆.
This is a recommended cafe in Sangen-jaya, so if you are in the neighborhood, please say so!
Cafe Mame-Hico
Mamehiko's website
8:00 - 23:00
4-20-4 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo